Friday, February 5, 2010

Accident and crime scene cleanup services

Crime scene cleanup companies are provide accident cleanup services for Industrial accidents, Workplace accidents, Construction site accidents, Death scenes, Trauma incidents, Biohazard cleanup, Disinfecting and odor removal, Vehicle cleaning, And more.

Handling accidents involving blood and bodily fluids involves a detailed procedure to detect, disinfect and completely remove all traces of bio-hazardous materials, to include but not limited to; blood, bodily fluids, tissue & bone matter, contaminated clothing and household goods, hypodermic needles, razor blades and other items that may pose a risk of injury.  Although a visual inspection of a crime or trauma scene may reveal a great deal of blood and bodily fluids about the area, an equal amount will be found by our technicians in areas that cannot be seen or easily accessed.  It is vital that all traces of these elements be removed from a scene, whether a crime has been committed or not.


  1. very informative post, You must hire a professional crime scene cleanup company to perform these types of job .
